Deck: Hanzo Hieratics
3 Su
3 Eset
1 Nebthet
3 Tefnuit
3 Hanzo
2 Maxx "c"
2 Effect Veiler
2 Wattail Dragon
2 Tragoedia
2 Hieratic Seal of Convocation
2 Nightshot
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Forbidden Lance
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
2 Pot of Duality
3 Ninjitsu Art of Supertransformation
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
Extra Deck:
2 Constellar M7
3 Hieratic King Atum
3 Gaia Thunder Charger
1 Inzektor Exa-beetle
1 Volcasaurus
1 Tiras
1 Constellar Pleides
1 Sword Breaker
1 Photon Bounzer
1 Focus Force

Before, I was using Standard Hieratics but as each match I play, I realized one thing and that is other than Tragoedia and Gorz,I have no real defense, then that decided me to use Hanzo Hieratics. Sure the deck is slower that standard Hieratics but there is always a time where you need to wait and exhaust your opponent's resources before you go for the final push.Before, I always go YOLO with the deck and I have been successful with it.But in this format going YOLO everyday will not take you anywhere,sure you can top but you will never go to higher heights with that strategy.As you can see there is nothing special with the deck,but I can assure you that the deck can stand against the Meta today.It really is funny that a single card turned a deck that was hit by the Ban-list into a contender overnight.So that's it for my post today.
Oh before I forgot I would like to thank the following people:
Shahmir- For teaching me how to use Hieratics
Andrew Ng- for trolling Shahmir and for letting me watch his games on DN.
Mike Ting - for destroying Standard Hieratics which turned my deck to Hanzo Hieratics overnight LOL
Yuki and Irwin- For Ultra M7
Team Asiong: LOL still the Best Team in the country 6 players in top 16 during Top Store.
Courtside - for another event without them YGO is dead 5 years ago in the country.
See you again later.