Deck used: Inzecter

Round 1 versus Yuki Vinluan (dark world)
Game 1: Damsel + Call of the haunted combo
Game 2: He played Dragged Down To the Grave he discarded my in hand Armageddon Knight then followed it up with another and he took control from there.
Game 3: Inzekter party with Royal Decree.
Round 2 versus Jag Tan (Inzecter)
Game 1:Effect Veiler on his Inzecter Damsel and then swarmed the field with my own Inzecter Damsel and Inzecter Gigaweevil.
Game 2: He swarmed the field immediately and died instantly without drawing any Inzecter Hornet to fight back.
Game 3:Pressured him with Inzecter Damsel and then followed it up by Call of the Haunted when he used Solemn Warning against it, Then I swarmed the field afterwards.
Round 3 versus Jomer Flores = Team mate from Asian Plus (Windup-Shien-Inzecter)
Game 1: I started with setting Raigeki Break and Fiendish Chain.On his turn he summoned Zenmaighty via Instant Fusion + Wind-up Hunter I used Fiendish Chain in response to his effect then afterwards I took control of the game with Inzecter stunts.
Game 2:He started by setting a monster and a card to his s/t zone. I set all my card faced-down and on his turn he blew everything away >_> bad move.
Game 3:Fiendish Chained his Zenmaighty,Effect Veiler on his Inzecter Dragonfly and used Solemn Warning on his next Inzecter Dragonfly.
Finals versus Alvin Lim (TG agents)
We decided to play the dice game to decide who will win since pod 2 will start in a few minutes, luck was on my side and I won the dice game lol.
I won 2 crap packs and a tournament pack lol.
Updates on the next 2 pods
Pod 2: Jomer and Alvin Lim faced in the finals and they also decided to play the dice game. :)) Jomer Won the 2nd pod.
Pod 3: Byron won the tournament with TG agents he faced of Chito with his Gravekeepers.
ACQ updates:
So we now know that being a seeded player have it's advantages being Division A top 2 leaders they are automatically qualified for the top 8, that is some advantage coz they will no longer enter the modified swiss format which is difficult by having to play 4 rounds of swiss then single elmination from there.As the tournament goes deeper and deeper some players from other Division will enter the tournament on a certain round which is also a great advantage, not having to play many games is less stressful to the human mind and also you are not using much luck lol (yes I believe in luck).We hope that one of our members could win this tournament coz if one of us will win all of us are going to Singapore. :) Later I will post a tournament report where I joined a tournament for those fake players and the prizes are original cards.
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