1.)Philippine's meta is different from other countries because not everyone could build a tier 1 deck.Which means people here use different kinds of decks from Machina Gadgets to Dark World and to any deck you can and cannot imagine.Some people might think it is easy to win here but actually it is not because you cannot predict what your opponent is using especially those who are not the regular guys since they do not play the Big 3 decks in the country which is Inzekter, Chaos Dragons and Samurai.
2.)We have seeded players for this event- as you have read from the other blogs from Malaysian and Singaporean players they are having a tournament which grants the winner a slot to be seeded in their nationals.Being seeded give you a big advantage because you will be inserted in the tournament on a specific round,which makes you fresh than the other players that played before you entered and also it gives you the opportunity to prepare and watch how the other players play.
3.) I am still looking for the deck that I am most comfortable with LOL.In every big event I always choose the deck that I am most comfortable with,usually not the deck is the strongest in the format.
So that's it so far I have tested and used every deck in the format and there are so many decks to choose from and it is really hard to decide.
So for my tournament report:
I went to Courtside so early because I got bored in our house LOL,I registered for the 2nd POD and I borrowed Irwin's Chaos Dragons.Don't expect this report to be informative because Chaos Dragons usually ends up with an OTK most of the time.
Round 1 vs Jeff Legarda (Wind-up Inzektors) OO

Game 2: same as game 1
Round 2 vs Van Williamson (Chaos Dragons)OXX
Game 1: I opened with Tragoedia,Light Pulsar,Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon,Dark flare Dragon, Eclipse Wyvern and a Lyla. I just ended my turn and he played Future Fusion and swarmed the field then he is stopped by Tragoedia and on my turn I OTK'd him.
Game 2:He OTK'd me since I have no Tragoedia LOL
Game 3: :Lost to back to back top decked Torrential Tribute.
Since I lost early I decided to join the 4th POD of our tournament and I still used Chaos Dragons.
Round 1 vs Sergeo Cruz (Inzektor)OXO
Game 1: Forced my way to his back row and summoned a Light Pulsar and Red-eyes Darkness Metal with Veiler in hand, when he summoned Inzektor Damsel I negated it's effect with Effect Veiler.
Game 2:Damsel loop + Transmigration Prophecy got rid of my key cards.
Game 3:First Turn Future Fusion.
Round 2 vs Kent Diño (Inzektor Wind-up)OXO

Game 2:I have total control on the field I have Chaos Sorcerer and a Light Pulsar Dragon, while he has a facedown Inzektor Gullho which he saved with Book of Moon that is blown by my MST and a set monster with 1 card in hand which is Inzektor Damsel searched by Inzektor Centipede.I attacked with Chaos Sorcerer on the facedown Inzektor Gullho and my Light Pulsar Dragon attacked the facedown monster which is Morphing jar #2. >_>
Game 3:I opened with Charge of Light Brigade and Solar Recharge LOL also I have D.D. Crow in hand and Effect veiler to stop his combos.
Round 3 vs Jeff Legarda (Inzektor Wind-up)OXO
Game 1: While shuffling his hand cards he noticed he have 7 cards in hand.We called the judge and he was awarded with a game loss.
Game 2:Dimensional Fissure + Wind-up Loop
Game 3:I just set all my spells in my backrow and hoped does not have a Heavy Storm.Then I took control of the field with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Light Pulsar Dragon destroying everything in their path.
Finals vs Irwin Arogo (Inzektor)XX
I gave him the win coz we are hungry and I borrowed his deck LOL.
So thats it for my report until next time,if you have any comments just leave it below thank you for your time!
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