Hi everyone, it's been a while since I posted in this blog because I am preparing for our nationals for
the last few weeks.So the most awaited event in Philippine YGO history started yesterday and it is the biggest nationals in our country with 114 participants,after 2 days of hard fought battles we have a new national champion Irwin Arogo!! he finished the tournament with 10-1 record losing a match during the 2nd round of the swiss and won all his matches after that.
Tournament report:
Format:Swiss(Asia Format)
Deck used: Chaos Dragons

Game 1:Early Swarm of Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Light Pulsar Dragon are too much for his gadgets.
Game 2:I lost since I could not get rid of his Utopia and Gearframe.
Game 3:I hide behind Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Light Pulsar Dragon.
Round 2 vs Edsel Gozon (Inzektors)OO
Game 1:I had a very godly hand and OTK'd him on my turn.
Game 2:Early swarm + Effect Veiler in hand secured my victory.
Round 3 vs Chiro Morilla (Six Samurai)OO
Game 1:I forced my way to his entire backrow and he can't get rid of my big monsters.
Game 2:He Managed to summon a Shien, Kizan and Zanji with Six Samura United on the field faceup with 1 counter on it. On my turn I summoned a Darkflare Dragon and a Lightpulsar Dragon
then I removed Light Pulsar Dragon to special summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and special Summoned another Darkflare Dragon then I exceed summoned Tiras,keeper of genisis
and attacked Kizan and Zanji.After Battle Phase I destroyed Shien with Tiras and use Mystical Space Typhoon on his Six Samurai united.Then he can't get rid of my monsters.
Round 4 vs (Chaos Dragons) OXO
Game 1:Early Pressure of BLS,Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Light Pulsar Dragon while he have no graveyard forced him to play defensively.
Game 2:I swarmed the field again to pressure him when I attacked for game he use battle fader. On his turn he summoned Eclipse Wyvern and played Emergency Teleport to summons Krebons then he synchro summoned Black Rose Dragon to wipe my field,then he played Monster Reborn to take my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and it went downhill for me.
Game 3:Future Fusion 1st turn nuff said.
Round 5 vs Carlo Evangelista (Inzektor) XOO
Game 1:I died to inzektor stunts.
Game 2:I opened with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon , Light Pulsar Dragon and 3 Effect Veilers,a terrible hand but when I drew my 6th card it is Instant Fusion!So I played Instant Fusion summoned Darkfire Dragon removed it to summon Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and I special summoned Light Pulsar Dragon.Then I won because of my 3 Effect Veiler's LOL
Game 3:The most important part of this match is when he has a faceup Zenmaines in def position and a face-up Crimson Shadow Ninja.I summoned Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning and removed the ninja
then I tributed it for Light Pulsar Dragon because I am desperately in need of light monster then I summoned Chaos Sorcerer to remove Zenmaines then exceed them to summon Photon Streak Bouncer then I attacked directly which left him with 500 LP and I won 2 turns after that.
Round 6 vs Cliff Georpe (Hieractics)OO
Game 1:OTK
Game 2:Used Effect Veiler on his Atums then Dark hole to clear the field then swarm.
Round 7 vs Jeff Legarda (Inzektor Windup)OXO
Game 1:1st turn Future Fusion then I swarmed immediately during that same turn.
Game 2:I got looped discarding all cards in my hand.
Game 3:1st turn Future Fusion again LOL I swarmed again immediately then I got dark hole nxt turn 2 turns Later I managed to summon FGD and attacked his face-up Wind-up Hunter.Then on his turn he summoned Wind-up Rat,I immediately removed his Wind-up hunter via D.D. Crow which resulted in
leaving his Wind-up Rat in attack position,he then suicided his zenmaines to my FGD and destroyed my dragon during end phase.On my turn I topped Chaos Sorcerer and attacked his Wind-up Rat for the win.
Top 16 vs JM Pornete (Dark World)XOO
Game 1:Skill Drain + Grapha + Gates of the Dark World.
Game 2:Locked him with Royal Decree.
Game 3:Highlight of this match is when he played Card Destruction while I still have 5 cards in hand and he know what are the 4 cards in it since he used Dragged Down to the Grave and It resulted in me drawing
Future Fusion , Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning ,Dark Armed Dragon and other cards that I can't remember LOL.
So by the End of the 1st day I swept the entire tournament with an 8-0 record LOL in my entire YGO career I have never swept swiss rounds before.So I am kinda nervous for the next day and a the same time kinda confident because there are people who have won nationals that are undefeated the entire tournament.
Day 2:
Top 8 vs Cliff Georpe (Hieractic)OXO
Game 1:I opened with 1st turn Future Fusion, he managed to put me in top decking mode which I topped Monster Reborn after I cleared his field with Dark Hole.
Game 2:I got OTK'd since I have no Effect Veiler in hand.
Game 3:I have 2 Effect Veiler's in hand when he attempted to do his combo's and I topped Dark Hole out of nowhere and won from there since he is on top decking mode.
Top 4 vs Alvin Lim (Inzektor)XX
Game 1:For the 1st time in this nationals I was not able to setup my graveyard and I couldn't capitilize on his terrible hands for many turns.
Game 2:A I got killed by Inzektor stunts.
So it is the end of my streak but still I want to have a trophy for this tournament so I kept my focus and played the final game.
Battle for 3rd place vs Rick Mondenedo(LS Lightray)OO
Game 1:I OTK'd him
Game 2:swarmed him and he died.
Nationals is now over and all I can say is I gave everything in this tournament played almost everything perfectly ,minimized my misplays as much as possible and every move I made are thought carefully.In the end I am still 1 game away from the finals and another win away from winning the entire tournament with an undefeated record.
So what is next for me? I need to take a break and prepare for the upcoming Philippine Open Championships this August, then prepare for the Top Shop Qualifier which I place 4th last year and hopefully to defend the Asia+ Crown with my teammates later in the year.
I would like to thank everyone who supported the event and also for those who supported me thank you everything is appreciated.
For the top 8 breakdown here it is:
3 Inzektors
2 Chaos Dragons
1 Laggia
1 Lightsworn Lightray
1 Hieroglyph
I would like to thank Malaysian Champion Sung Lee for giving me the idea to main Instant fusion which is really really useful in Chaos Dragon, he is a good player that knows what tech cards works for his decks.
Also I would like to give a shout out to all my teammates we owned the top 3 spot of this year's nationals!! We did it LOL! Again congratulations to Irwin Arogo for winning the nationals do your best in Japan and hopefully you can win it all!!.
congrats bro.
ReplyDeletethanks bro:)