Sorry for the late updates because I am busy playing LOL (League of Legends) :))
Anyway nothing much happened this past few weeks except Inzecters owning the meta for the month and Agents are being represented by fewer people but still making it on top.Wslasher keeps on winning tournaments every Sundays so Team Top Deck decided to join and break his win streak.He is now playing Inzecter because he believes that Samurai is no longer competitive for this format.IMO they are still good in this format with proper side deck and with the deck's ability to swarm they could end games quickly before Inzecters could plague the field with their ugly creatures.
Our distributors announced that our Asian Championship Qualifiers is going to be held at Robinson's Galleria on February 25 so to all Philippine players who are reading this is your chance to participate and have a chance to represent the country in Singapore.I am expecting a lot of Inzecters and Agents to be represented at this event with a few players using Dino Rabbit since Jurrac Guaiba is kinda expensive due to low supply.This event is going to be fun and competitive with so many good players joining. Hope one of us in team Top Deck wins because if any of our members wins we will all go with him. So good luck to everyone who will join the event.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
How good is Tour Bus??
Hi YGO Fanatics! I am here today to discuss how good Tour Bus From the Underworld. Here is her effect:
When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 monster in either player’s Graveyard, except “Tour Bus From the Underworld”; shuffle that target into the Deck.
What makes this card good is she could return 1 monster from either player's graveyard to it's owner's deck when she is just SENT to the graveyard, Meaning if you used this card as an exceed material and is detached this card would still trigger her effect just like Dandylion. Recycling a monster is good especially if you are creating a combo deck or a deck that requires multiple use of monsters. So what deck is it?? I am pointing at a deck that is so powerful that it can discard all of the opponent's hand cards in one turn.
I summoned Tour Guide from the Underworld and special summoned this card from my deck. Then I exceed summoned for Zenmaighty bye detaching Tour Guide I can special Wind-up Hunter from my deck then activate Hunter's effect to send 1 card from my opponent's hand to the graveyard by tributing Zenmaighty, then Tour Bus activates her effect and you can recycle Zenmaighty pretty neat huh?By doing that you have discarded a card from opponent's hand with having 3 more Zenmaighty in you deck. Assuming you have Monster Reborn.You can revive Tour Bus and Exceed for Zenmighty yet again and you can do the loop till your opponent's hand is reduced to 0.
That's it hope you enjoyed what I wrote today. See ya!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tournament Report 01/07/2012
Well I joined the 3rd pod for our weekly tournament which started around 6pm. Before the tournament I am deciding whether to use Inzector-Wind-Up or Dimensional Laggia. In the end I choose Laggia coz it has a good match-up against Inzectors.
Participants: 16
Deck Used:
Participants: 16
Deck Used:
Round 1 versus Jomer Flores (Inzector-Wind-Up)OO
Game 1: I started with first turn Raggia via rabbit and set 3 cards face-down(warning, macro cosmos and forbidden lance). After a few turns of poking I managed to draw a 2nd rabbit then went for the game.
Game 2: Same as game 1
Round 2 versus Kent Dino (TG Agent Angels)OXO
Game 1: Opened with Rabbit +4 backrows (macro cosmos, warning, bottomless, mystical space typhoon)
Game 2: He started with Summoning earth and then passed. I summoned Kabazauls and he responded with bottomless trap hole. Then I set 2 cards after this turn he played heavy storm then I got Trishula'd GG.
Game 3: Opened with another Rabbit lol and this time 5 backrows. He did not do anything except setting monsters till he drew Venus which got hit by warning and when he attempted to summon Hyperion I also have another warning GG.
Round 3 versus Edsel Gozon (Inzektor-Wind-Up) -Top 4 XOX
Game 1: I won the dice roll but had a very ugly hand >_> I set a monster then set all my cards in hand. He played Duality and searched for duality, then he summoned centipede in whch I used fiendish chain in response to it's effect after he played MST I conceded nothing there s nothing I can do after that.
Game 2: I can't remember anything from this game but all I know is I managed to summon a Utopia and 2 Evolkaizer Laggia.
Game 3: The epic duel of the day I have a Kabazauls on the field with 2 set cards he played MST I think then he proceeded in the wind-up loop dropping my 2 other kabazauls in hand lol then he created a Revise Dragon with Zenmighty on the field, The dragon attacked then I saved my dino with shrink. During my turn a wild Jurrac Guaiba appears and he used Effect Veiler before battle phase to negate it's effect then it destroyed Zenmighty then I summoned Laggia using my 2 dinos. Next turn he summoned Damsel I negated it with Laggia then he activated Duality to get bottomless traphole. I drew Duality then added Warning during this part of the game I know that I was in a very good position to win the game coz I now what is his set card (which is bottomless) and the only 2 cards in his hand is a Damsel and a Hornet but during his turn he topped Heavy Storm and he won the game after that.
Not bad to start the year I received a pack for placing 3rd then gave it to my friend Merix lol he opened it and he pulled an Evolkaizer Soldde.
Friday, January 6, 2012
WTF is this.....
While having a normal day , chatting with my friends I encountered this post by a player here in our country and here is what he wrote:
CREATING A TEAM!!! Looking for team mates!!!! I mean a real team that will lend each other cards for free when we need. I will not accept just anyone. Anyone that can beat me at least 5 times out of 10 will be in. I will only accept up to 5 people. 3 tcg players and 2 OCG players. There will definitely be an entrance fee for playing me. Obviously if you're part of my team you can borrow any card that I have(up to a complete deck!). So I will put the tries at 500 per try for TCG and 600 for OCG(READ THE BOTTOM FOR DETAILS AS TO WHY). Meaning (10 games, or 5 matches.) I will make a team for here in The Philippines, Tcg players will be more because I can usually have more access to English cards and only 2 ocg so that I can handle both decks they will build and I will not short out if they need anything.
Here are my rules
If I catch you cheating just once. You lose 2matches right away meaning 4 loses, giving you a much much much harder chance at getting in the team
Cheating means, looking at the top card on your deck when its not your turn
Switching cards on the top of your deck with a card you saw.
Trying to tell me the wrong ruling on a card/situation in the game
I know almost every ruling on more than 95% of all cards and I do notice when people cheat. I choose not to say anything if it is a friendly game. I will tolerate no cheaters in my team. We will be a team of pure skill and power. If you have the skill I will give you the power by lending you cards that you will need for opening tourneys.
I will only give one person up to 3(three) times to try. Meaning you can only try out for the team up to 3x. No exceptions. I don't care if you pay another 5000 to try a 4th time. My team will only be of the elite and if you lose to me 3x you are not elite.
If my team gets completed and you feel you deserve to be in it more than another person cause you're more skilled, you can tell me and play for a spot. TCG vs TCG and ocg vs ocg ONLY. If you beat the person they will be removed from the team giving you their spot and all the privileges they had of borrowing any card I have available. Again you will have to pay me 500 or 600 as well. It will be like trying to enter it by playing me.
If you think you can join. Tell me. PM only. Send me a decklist of what you are using. I will tell you how to strengthen it to its fullest before facing me and guys. I will be relentless. I will not let myself give anyone a chance I only want the best. My team name is Team J League, since I'm a super hero fan. Lol. READ THE WHOLE POST OVER AND OVER. If you ask ANY question that was already answered by this post I will only reply "Re read the post." over and over till you find the answer.
Again guys this is only for cards I have available with me and cards that will be extra from my shipments. I will NOT give my team free packs or products being sold in this group. I will lend a complete deck at most with no extra deck. Side deck complete as well. The price is VERY high for this because of the privileges you will gain.
Other terms for the team
If you passed this rigorous test and are able to join. You will have a complete 5days that no one can try to kick you out and take your spot. So basically you're protected for 5days. After that, anyone is allowed to play you for your spot. If a person pays me to play you for the spot. You CANNOT turn it down otherwise you forfeit the spot and they auto win the spot. No exceptions as well. I want my team at tip top shape at all times. This will ensure that my team mates are at they're best and they can also borrow a deck or cards to defend themselves against any challengers. So even when in my team. It will be hard to lose your spots.
The 2 OCG players in my team will get a 5% discount on any OCG cards or booster packs they need to buy!!!!! Limit at 5items per week. Can be combo'd with card single/packs. Like 4 cards and 1 pack or 4 packs 1 card. Like that.
Now who in the world would join a team that requires a payment of 500-600 pesos or 13-15 dollars.It looks like he is not looking for teammates but slaves or should I say financiers lol.Everyone knows that you could join a team for free just being with them all the time sharing thoughts and ideas etc. etc. Take note in order for a person to join the "ELITE TEAM" you must pay the said amount 10 times coz you need to beat him 10 times in order to be his subordinate , so for a total of 5000-6000 pesos or 130-150 dollars you have become a member of the so called "ELITE TEAM" which gives you what? an opportunity to borrow cards for free?? and a 5 percent discount to YGO boosters (which I have no idea where he will get them). All we know is this guy plays in the same venue as we are playing and yet I haven't seen his shadow even once. Today we hope to see him in our tournament venue and confront him face to face and maybe something good will happen knowing the players in our country they will do something amazing to this guy... Will update you guys later on what happened if he does show up :) See Ya!
CREATING A TEAM!!! Looking for team mates!!!! I mean a real team that will lend each other cards for free when we need. I will not accept just anyone. Anyone that can beat me at least 5 times out of 10 will be in. I will only accept up to 5 people. 3 tcg players and 2 OCG players. There will definitely be an entrance fee for playing me. Obviously if you're part of my team you can borrow any card that I have(up to a complete deck!). So I will put the tries at 500 per try for TCG and 600 for OCG(READ THE BOTTOM FOR DETAILS AS TO WHY). Meaning (10 games, or 5 matches.) I will make a team for here in The Philippines, Tcg players will be more because I can usually have more access to English cards and only 2 ocg so that I can handle both decks they will build and I will not short out if they need anything.
Here are my rules
If I catch you cheating just once. You lose 2matches right away meaning 4 loses, giving you a much much much harder chance at getting in the team
Cheating means, looking at the top card on your deck when its not your turn
Switching cards on the top of your deck with a card you saw.
Trying to tell me the wrong ruling on a card/situation in the game
I know almost every ruling on more than 95% of all cards and I do notice when people cheat. I choose not to say anything if it is a friendly game. I will tolerate no cheaters in my team. We will be a team of pure skill and power. If you have the skill I will give you the power by lending you cards that you will need for opening tourneys.
I will only give one person up to 3(three) times to try. Meaning you can only try out for the team up to 3x. No exceptions. I don't care if you pay another 5000 to try a 4th time. My team will only be of the elite and if you lose to me 3x you are not elite.
If my team gets completed and you feel you deserve to be in it more than another person cause you're more skilled, you can tell me and play for a spot. TCG vs TCG and ocg vs ocg ONLY. If you beat the person they will be removed from the team giving you their spot and all the privileges they had of borrowing any card I have available. Again you will have to pay me 500 or 600 as well. It will be like trying to enter it by playing me.
If you think you can join. Tell me. PM only. Send me a decklist of what you are using. I will tell you how to strengthen it to its fullest before facing me and guys. I will be relentless. I will not let myself give anyone a chance I only want the best. My team name is Team J League, since I'm a super hero fan. Lol. READ THE WHOLE POST OVER AND OVER. If you ask ANY question that was already answered by this post I will only reply "Re read the post." over and over till you find the answer.
Again guys this is only for cards I have available with me and cards that will be extra from my shipments. I will NOT give my team free packs or products being sold in this group. I will lend a complete deck at most with no extra deck. Side deck complete as well. The price is VERY high for this because of the privileges you will gain.
Other terms for the team
If you passed this rigorous test and are able to join. You will have a complete 5days that no one can try to kick you out and take your spot. So basically you're protected for 5days. After that, anyone is allowed to play you for your spot. If a person pays me to play you for the spot. You CANNOT turn it down otherwise you forfeit the spot and they auto win the spot. No exceptions as well. I want my team at tip top shape at all times. This will ensure that my team mates are at they're best and they can also borrow a deck or cards to defend themselves against any challengers. So even when in my team. It will be hard to lose your spots.
The 2 OCG players in my team will get a 5% discount on any OCG cards or booster packs they need to buy!!!!! Limit at 5items per week. Can be combo'd with card single/packs. Like 4 cards and 1 pack or 4 packs 1 card. Like that.
Now who in the world would join a team that requires a payment of 500-600 pesos or 13-15 dollars.It looks like he is not looking for teammates but slaves or should I say financiers lol.Everyone knows that you could join a team for free just being with them all the time sharing thoughts and ideas etc. etc. Take note in order for a person to join the "ELITE TEAM" you must pay the said amount 10 times coz you need to beat him 10 times in order to be his subordinate , so for a total of 5000-6000 pesos or 130-150 dollars you have become a member of the so called "ELITE TEAM" which gives you what? an opportunity to borrow cards for free?? and a 5 percent discount to YGO boosters (which I have no idea where he will get them). All we know is this guy plays in the same venue as we are playing and yet I haven't seen his shadow even once. Today we hope to see him in our tournament venue and confront him face to face and maybe something good will happen knowing the players in our country they will do something amazing to this guy... Will update you guys later on what happened if he does show up :) See Ya!
What to side against Inzectors!

As we all know Inzectors instantly became a tier 1 deck since it's release and everyone are having troubles fighting against this pesky insects so here are some side decked cards that I think could help in defeating
1.) Chain Disappearance- Removing All of the opponent's Dragonflies at once or even hitting a hornet (seldom happens) at the right time can quite possibly be game ending to the Inzector player. Some may say that there is always leviair to return those cards back to the game but it is much difficult to summon him with lesser level 3 monsters left in the deck.
2.) Shadow Imprisoning Mirror- All Inzecter monsters are DARK attributes so having this card on the field stops their effects big time. Another upside for this card is it can also be used to side against Dark World.
3.) Macro Cosmos - My favorite card today it removes all cards that would be sent to the graveyard the advantage of this card is it removes ALL cards unlike Dimensional Fissure meaning if your opponent has a face-up Inzector monster equipped with Hornet he/she can't activate hornet to destroy a card on the field because he is needed to be sent to the graveyard.(Note: A monster that is treated as an equip card is considered as a SPELL CARD.)
4.) Effect Veiler- The in-hand trap if you don't have this card in your main deck be sure to place this card in your side deck because it will help you in your fight against Inzector. Being able to negate a monster's effect during the opponent's turn is a positive thing assuming you do not have a card that can prevent the monster's summon. This card can also be sided against any dec except Dark World or Dino Rabbit.
5.) Fiendish Chain- The trap version of Effect Veiler unlike the previous card this card can also be used during your turn. Why side this card you ask? Not only it can stop Inzectors from activating their effects but this card can also be used to stop the famous Evolkaizer Laggia. You can activate a card let's say heavy storm and chain this card to laggia's effect he now loses he's set cards and also 2 overlays to activate laggia's effect.This card can also be sided against Agents and also Wind-ups (assuming you survived the loop).
Final Tip to all players facing Inzectors always remember that in facing this deck you must not commit cards on the field that would just get blown-up by Hornet. It is very similar in facing frognarchs where you will usually set cards that would react during your opponent's actions. So That's it will be posting a tournament report tomorrow since it is the start of official tournament for 2012. See Ya!
New Blog , Old Player LOL
Hi YGO fanatics,
I'm Karlo Bonillo from the Philippines
I will start by thanking everyone who supported us during Asia Plus and Store Championships. We had a very good experience in Taiwan. Meeting So many good and fun players across South East Asia hope to meet you guys again some other time.
Why did I create a blog? Coz I'm kinda bored and I want to share what I think about the game that's it see you again later.
Later I will post what is happening in our country YGO related or not lol.
I'm Karlo Bonillo from the Philippines
I will start by thanking everyone who supported us during Asia Plus and Store Championships. We had a very good experience in Taiwan. Meeting So many good and fun players across South East Asia hope to meet you guys again some other time.
Why did I create a blog? Coz I'm kinda bored and I want to share what I think about the game that's it see you again later.
Later I will post what is happening in our country YGO related or not lol.
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