Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tournament Report 01/07/2012

Well I joined the 3rd pod for our weekly tournament which started around 6pm. Before the tournament I am deciding whether to use Inzector-Wind-Up or Dimensional Laggia. In the end I choose Laggia coz it has a good match-up against Inzectors.

Participants: 16
Deck Used:

Round 1 versus Jomer Flores (Inzector-Wind-Up)OO
Game 1: I started with first turn Raggia via rabbit and set 3 cards face-down(warning, macro cosmos and forbidden lance). After a few turns of poking I managed to draw a 2nd rabbit then went for the game.
Game 2: Same as game 1

Round 2 versus Kent Dino (TG Agent Angels)OXO
Game 1: Opened with Rabbit +4 backrows (macro cosmos, warning, bottomless, mystical space typhoon)
Game 2: He started with Summoning earth and then passed. I summoned Kabazauls and he responded with          bottomless trap hole. Then I set 2 cards after this turn he played heavy storm then I got Trishula'd GG.
Game 3: Opened with another Rabbit lol and this time 5 backrows. He did not do anything except setting monsters till he drew Venus which got hit by warning and when he attempted to summon Hyperion I also have another warning GG.

Round 3 versus Edsel Gozon (Inzektor-Wind-Up) -Top 4 XOX
Game 1: I won the dice roll but had a very ugly hand >_> I set a monster then set all my cards in hand. He played Duality and searched for duality, then he summoned centipede in whch I used fiendish chain in response to it's effect after he played MST I conceded nothing there s nothing I can do after that.
Game 2: I can't remember anything from this game but all I know is I managed to summon a Utopia and 2 Evolkaizer Laggia.
Game 3: The epic duel of the day I have a Kabazauls on the field with 2 set cards he played MST I think then he proceeded in the wind-up loop dropping my 2 other kabazauls in hand lol then he created a Revise Dragon with Zenmighty on the field, The dragon attacked then I saved my dino with shrink. During my turn a wild Jurrac Guaiba appears and he used Effect Veiler before battle phase  to negate it's effect then it destroyed Zenmighty then I summoned  Laggia using my 2 dinos. Next turn he summoned Damsel I negated it with Laggia then he activated Duality to get bottomless traphole. I drew Duality then added Warning during this part of the game I know that I was in a very good position to win the game coz I now what is his set card (which is bottomless) and the only 2 cards in his hand is a Damsel and a Hornet but during his turn he topped Heavy Storm and he won the game after that.

Not bad to start the year I received a pack for placing 3rd then gave it to my friend Merix lol he opened it and he pulled an Evolkaizer Soldde.

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