As we all know Inzectors instantly became a tier 1 deck since it's release and everyone are having troubles fighting against this pesky insects so here are some side decked cards that I think could help in defeating
1.) Chain Disappearance- Removing All of the opponent's Dragonflies at once or even hitting a hornet (seldom happens) at the right time can quite possibly be game ending to the Inzector player. Some may say that there is always leviair to return those cards back to the game but it is much difficult to summon him with lesser level 3 monsters left in the deck.
2.) Shadow Imprisoning Mirror- All Inzecter monsters are DARK attributes so having this card on the field stops their effects big time. Another upside for this card is it can also be used to side against Dark World.
3.) Macro Cosmos - My favorite card today it removes all cards that would be sent to the graveyard the advantage of this card is it removes ALL cards unlike Dimensional Fissure meaning if your opponent has a face-up Inzector monster equipped with Hornet he/she can't activate hornet to destroy a card on the field because he is needed to be sent to the graveyard.(Note: A monster that is treated as an equip card is considered as a SPELL CARD.)
4.) Effect Veiler- The in-hand trap if you don't have this card in your main deck be sure to place this card in your side deck because it will help you in your fight against Inzector. Being able to negate a monster's effect during the opponent's turn is a positive thing assuming you do not have a card that can prevent the monster's summon. This card can also be sided against any dec except Dark World or Dino Rabbit.
5.) Fiendish Chain- The trap version of Effect Veiler unlike the previous card this card can also be used during your turn. Why side this card you ask? Not only it can stop Inzectors from activating their effects but this card can also be used to stop the famous Evolkaizer Laggia. You can activate a card let's say heavy storm and chain this card to laggia's effect he now loses he's set cards and also 2 overlays to activate laggia's effect.This card can also be sided against Agents and also Wind-ups (assuming you survived the loop).
Final Tip to all players facing Inzectors always remember that in facing this deck you must not commit cards on the field that would just get blown-up by Hornet. It is very similar in facing frognarchs where you will usually set cards that would react during your opponent's actions. So That's it will be posting a tournament report tomorrow since it is the start of official tournament for 2012. See Ya!
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