Finally the Philippine Monthly Tournament is over and we have a NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! LOL so here is my report for the tournament:
Format : Open Tournament (Promos and English cards are allowed as long as it's original)
6 rounds of swiss
Round 1: vs Wslasher (Samurai)XX
Game 1:Wslasher is god
Game 2:Wslasher is god
Round 2: vs a random kid (No idea what he is playing)OO
Game1:Inzektor stunts
Game 2:Inzektor stunts
Round 3: vs Arman (Inzektor)XOO
Game 1:I lost due to his ability to get Inzektor Hornet to the GY faster with the help of Armageddon Knight
Game 2:I activated my Super weapon to borrow his damsel from GY and OTK'd him.
Game 3:He started with Armageddon Knight and set 2 cards on his backrow. On my turn I drew and have Pot of Duality , Mind Control , Super Weapon, Effect veiler, Allure of Darkness and raigeki break.I used duality to add Monster Reborn from my hand and ended. On his turn he summoned Damsel which I veilered after he equipped hornet. On my Turn I drew another duality and I need to make a risk of playing Allure of Darkness since I will lose either way if I can't do anything against his field. So I set all my important cards and played the spell then I was surprised on what I drew it's a damsel and a foolish burial which I really need, After that I played Mind Control on his damsel and I otk'd him on that turn thanks to Monster Reborn and Super Weapon :).
Round 4: vs Edsel Gozon(Inzektor)
Game 1:My mained 1500 LP super weapon is really good against mirror
Game 2:He used his own super weapon LOL
Game 3:I was ahead so much in this game but his Transmigration Prophecy changed the outcome of the game.
Round 5: vs Sorry can't remember his name (Dragunity)
Game 1: I was able to take control of the game early with Effect Veiler and Solemn Warning.
Game 2:I got surprised with Sin Cyber End Dragon during late game after I negated the summon of his Dragunity Legionnaire.
Game 3:I started without playing anything and on his turn he immediately attempted to Trident Dragon OTK me but luckily I have Tragoedia.After that I drew cards from Card-car-d and won after a few turns due o imba card advantage.
Round 6: vs Dominic (Inzektor)
Game 1:I used Lavalval Chain to place Dark Armed Dragon to the top of my deck and take the game on my next turn.
Game 2:Used Exastag on his Crimson Shadow and I have another Dark Armed Dragon LOL
Final Result: 14th LOL, looks like my early loss pulled me down on my tie breakers.
Highlight of the day: Wslasher opened with gateway of the six during game 3 of the semi's against Paolo Calma and his fiery Lavals,Wslasher ended with a book of moon set, a gateway, a Shien, a pair of Kizans and a Grandmaster of the Six.Paolo played Heavy Storm which is negated by Shien, then Paolo activated Sweltering Transmission Field tossed 5 lavals due to tender,he destroyed book via laval lady of the burning lake, then he activated Rekindling!! He summoned a TG Hyper Librarian and a Formula Synchron after he drew a 3rd card he drew another Rekindling!!!! Which resulted on a Quasar Dragon. LOL
Congratulations to Meison for winning the event after long years of playing Yugioh finally you won your first championship.
Oh BTW be sure to check this blog in a couple of hours coz one of Philippine's best will post here it will be a sure good read.
For those who are curious here is the top 8 break down:
CHAMPION: Meison Enriquez (Gravekeepers)
Finalist: Laurence Paolo Calma (Laval)
3rd-4th: William Israel Sy (Six Samurai)
Orlando Rivera (Inzector Wind-up)
5th-8th: Alvin Lim (Tour Guide Rabbit)
Edsel Gozon (Inzector)
Yuki K. Vinluan (Inzector)
Cloyd Jay Del Puerto (Wind Up)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Grapha takes over YCS Long Beach
Hi It's been a while since I posted here and this week I am going to post so many things since I am on semester break yay!!. There are so many things that I would like to post but I will start at the biggest event on TCG that happened just few days ago YCS Long Beach. The event is the 100th YCS I expected a lot of pro players and more players to attend the event but I didn't expected it to have 4000+ people!!.I also didn't expect Dark World to win the event since the deck sometimes gives you a hand that you will lose without even fighting.But kudos to the player who piloted the deck and he managed to win over 4000+ duelist from different parts of the world.
Here is what I thought how Dark Worlds won the event:
So that is for my analysis on how Dark World won the biggest YCS ever! Congratulations to Grapha and his army and to the winner of the YCS.
Here is what I thought how Dark Worlds won the event:
- Dark World's ability to destroy Dino Rabbit in game 1- we all know that Dino Rabbit in TCG doesn't main Macro Cosmos since Dolkka can single handedly destroy Inzektors,with Macro Cosmos out by just playing Dark World Dealings the rabbit player is forced to negate the spell card with Laggia since he might die due to Grapha.
- The deck can use Skill Drain - Skill Drain is the best card in the format today since it has the ability to stop all of powerful effect monsters in the game today.
- Reckless Greed - for me it is a win more card but he definitely gained so much advantage because of this card. He was able to search his deck so many key cards that helped him win his matches in the finals he activated this card turn after turn after turn (yes he did managed to draw 3 copies of this card) and with the ability of The Gates of Dark World and Snoww the deck could instantly gain cards that would overwhelm the opponent.
So that is for my analysis on how Dark World won the biggest YCS ever! Congratulations to Grapha and his army and to the winner of the YCS.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Addition, Subtraction
Some players were asking "What is Plus and Minus that the other players are talking about?". Today, I'll explain what + (plus), - (minus) means.
Plus is an event when a player gains a card/s on the field and/or hand.
Minus is an event when a player loses a card/s on the field and/or hand.
Elemental HERO Stratos is Normal Summoned on your side of the field. You activated its effect that adds 1 HERO monster from your deck to your hand. You gained a card to your hand, thus have a +1.
Your opponent summoned successfully a monster then you activated a facedown Book of Moon as a response. You lost a card therefore you have a -1.
You activated Upstart Goblin, drawing 1 card and giving 1000LP to your opponent. You gain a card (+1) but then you also lost Upstart Goblin (-1), giving you a +0.
Plus and Minus also work in Card Advantage (The amount of cards on a player's hand and field compared to the amount of card on another player's hand and field).
If you have more cards on your field and hand than your opponent's, then you have a +x (where x = to the number of cards you have more than your opponent). If you have less, then you have a -x (where x = to the number of cards you have less than your opponent).
Your opponent normal summoned Marauding Captain then activated its effect to Special Summon another level 4 or lower monster. You responded with Torrential Tribute, destroying the monsters. You have a -1 (given that you did not have a destroyed monster on your side of the field) because you lost your trap but your opponent have -2 because he/she lost 2 monsters. Since your opponent lost more cards than you by 1, you have a +1 Card Advantage.
Your opponent has 1 faceup monster on his/her side of the field. You activated Lightning Vortex, discarding 1 card as a cost, to destroy the monster. You have a -2 (Lightning Vortex and the discarded card) while your opponent has -1 (the destroyed faceup monster). Since you lost more cards than your opponent, you have -1 Card Advantage.
Your opponent has 1 faceup monster on his/her side of the field. You activated Fissure to destroy your opponent's faceup monster. Both you and your opponent lost a card (-1 to both players). Since either you or your opponent have lost more cards, you have a +0 Card Advantage. This play is also known as "One for One" (not to be confused with the card One for One.) where you lose a card to let your opponent lose a card.
Card Advantage is plays a vital role in dueling because it enables you to perform combo without worrying at your opponent stopping it. The more Card Advantage you have, the higher the chance that you successfully land a combo and win the duel.
That's all for the first post. Hope you guys/gals enjoyed it.
Plus is an event when a player gains a card/s on the field and/or hand.
Minus is an event when a player loses a card/s on the field and/or hand.
Elemental HERO Stratos is Normal Summoned on your side of the field. You activated its effect that adds 1 HERO monster from your deck to your hand. You gained a card to your hand, thus have a +1.
Your opponent summoned successfully a monster then you activated a facedown Book of Moon as a response. You lost a card therefore you have a -1.
You activated Upstart Goblin, drawing 1 card and giving 1000LP to your opponent. You gain a card (+1) but then you also lost Upstart Goblin (-1), giving you a +0.
Plus and Minus also work in Card Advantage (The amount of cards on a player's hand and field compared to the amount of card on another player's hand and field).
If you have more cards on your field and hand than your opponent's, then you have a +x (where x = to the number of cards you have more than your opponent). If you have less, then you have a -x (where x = to the number of cards you have less than your opponent).
Your opponent normal summoned Marauding Captain then activated its effect to Special Summon another level 4 or lower monster. You responded with Torrential Tribute, destroying the monsters. You have a -1 (given that you did not have a destroyed monster on your side of the field) because you lost your trap but your opponent have -2 because he/she lost 2 monsters. Since your opponent lost more cards than you by 1, you have a +1 Card Advantage.
Your opponent has 1 faceup monster on his/her side of the field. You activated Lightning Vortex, discarding 1 card as a cost, to destroy the monster. You have a -2 (Lightning Vortex and the discarded card) while your opponent has -1 (the destroyed faceup monster). Since you lost more cards than your opponent, you have -1 Card Advantage.
Your opponent has 1 faceup monster on his/her side of the field. You activated Fissure to destroy your opponent's faceup monster. Both you and your opponent lost a card (-1 to both players). Since either you or your opponent have lost more cards, you have a +0 Card Advantage. This play is also known as "One for One" (not to be confused with the card One for One.) where you lose a card to let your opponent lose a card.
Card Advantage is plays a vital role in dueling because it enables you to perform combo without worrying at your opponent stopping it. The more Card Advantage you have, the higher the chance that you successfully land a combo and win the duel.
That's all for the first post. Hope you guys/gals enjoyed it.
New Blogger Here
Hello there avid readers !! I'm Joseph Belaong also known as "Neza" by other players. I act as an assistant judge in a monthly tournament in Robinson's Galleria. Will be blogging here for some things that I feel like posting. Hope you guys and gals will somewhat enjoy my posts.
Also, thanks Kaloy for giving me permission to blog here. LOL
Also, thanks Kaloy for giving me permission to blog here. LOL
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Some news and my thoughts about Lightsworn LOL

Lightray Gearfried
LIGHT/Warrior - Effect/8/2800/2200
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except if you have 5 or more different LIGHT Monster in your Graveyard. If all face-up Monster you control are Warrior-Type Monster, you can remove from play 1 Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play to negate the activation of a Magic or Trap Card and destroy it. This effect can only be used once per turn.

Now LS has an access to a monster similar to TSS-Shien just by having a field with warrior monsters and also by just removing a warrior type monster in your graveyard. We all know how annoying TSS-Shien is being able to negate your opponent's spell or trap cards once per turn is a + because they will surely use a card that will force you to use Lightray Gearfried's effect so that they can play their power card.
Lightsworn may be a deck of the past but they are receiving indirect support from different expansions,the deck just needs a chance to prove it's self to be competitive once again and take it's spot as one of the tier 1 decks of the format.
As for the news I just saw on pojo that TCG's priority regarding ignition effects would disappear in 2 months, it's about time for them to remove it coz here in OCG land we have it like for 2 formats I think. It will certainly change the way they play and also the way how they build their decks.
Till next time have fun playing!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Winning POD in a local tournament
Hello it's been a week since I posted in my blog so I am writing a tournament report where I joined a local tournament in my area, they allow fake cards to be used here but I see nothing wrong about using them coz they organized the tournament and they are willing to shift to original cards even though they are doing it slowly. I also started playing fake cards then shifted to original because I want to experience how higher level of competition feels like.As for the community they are very fun to be with and they also play at a good level they might not be good as some players here in our country but that does not mean they can't improve right? In my opinion there are so many players out there that have what it takes to be good but they just don't have enough money to buy original cards. I know playing Yugioh is quite expensive but this players can't be stopped from playing they are trying their best to convert to original cards and join official tournaments even once in a while.
So now I am writing my tournament report for this tournament:
Deck used: Inzecter
Participants: 11
Round 1 versus GB (Flory) OO
He is a friend of mine way back in 2003 where I am still a kid I think I am just 10 years old by that time LOL
Game 1: He drew poorly by having so many monsters and I summoned Tiras via Inzecter Damsel and Inzecter Gulff. He managed to destroy my Tiras but on the next turn I swarmed the field with Inzecter stunts.
Game 2: I destroyed his backrow with Mystical Space Typhoon and summoned Crimson Ninja and controlled the game from there.
Round 2 versus Inzecter (Steven) OO
Game 1: At first I thought he is using Photons coz he summoned Photon Thrasher to destroy my Card Trooper and then got surprised when he summoned damsel on his next turn luckily I have an Effect Veiler in hand to prevent his Inzecter stunts. On my turn proceeded to do the Gigamantis loop and ended with a field of Revise Dragon,Crimson Ninja, Brilliant and Inzecter Centipede.
Game 2: This one ended early because he didn't have Inzecter Hornet to fight back he jsut set cards which are just blown up by my own hornet.
*Never set a card that would just get blown by Inzecters!.
Round 3 versus Ehero Deck (Eckz) OO
Game 1: I knew he was using Hero coz I have been watching him play. I managed to do my combos after he used Solemn Warning to negate my Inzecter Damsel with the help of double Call of the Haunted.
Game 2: He summoned Elemental Hero Stratos which I Veiler'ed to negate it's effect and he set 1 card.On my turn I set 2 Solemn warnings and Solemn Judgment. He attacked with Stratos and he set another card on his backrow. On my turn I Summoned Damsel and popped everything because that's what Inzecter do LOL. In my final pust he used Battle Fader to survive another turn but I have Warning to prevent it from happening.
Round 4 versus BF whirlwind (Jeff) OO
Game 1: I remember getting Icarus attack'ed during my end phase where I set 2 cards and then on my next turn I summoned damsel to destroy everything.
Game 2: He set 4 cards on his backrow with a BF-Gale the Whirlwind on the field. So I activated Heavy Storm which is negated by his Solemn Judgment then I set Royal Decree and ended.He attacked with Gale and he set another card, during his end phase I activated Royal Decree then after that I controlled the game easily.
Round 5 versus Six Samurai (John Chris)OXO
Game 1: I don't remember what happened but I managed to swarm his field.
Game 2: I destroyed TSS Shien and used Monster Reborn to summon it and set so many cards on my backrow but he summoned Blackrose Dragon to destroy my field and lost after that since all my set cards are bluff LOL bad move.
Game 3: I summoned Crimson Ninja and swarmed the field on my next turn.
This kid is good seriously he knows how to use Six Sams really well maybe he is using it for some time now.
Okay so now while starting the top 8 tournament organizer Opened the Gold series packs and he pulled Pot of Duality which inspired everyone to do their best to win that card.
Top 8 versus Antimeta (Krizandale) OO
Round 1: He started with summoning Banisher of Radiance with 2 cards set. I set Card Trooper,Torrential Tribute and Raigeki Break.On his turn he summoned Fossil Dyna which I Torrential'ed he chained Safe Zone to save Radiance but I chained Raigeki Break to destroy it. On my turn I summoned Crimson Ninja and on my next turn I summoned Tiras which left his destruction cards useless.
Round 2: He agains started with Baniseher of Radiance which is dealt by Snowman Eater and took control after that.
Top 4 versus Dark World (Jonard) OO
Round 1: He opened badly with no spells to help him discard his darkworlds so I swarmed the field easily
Round 2:I have Dimensional Fissure to stop his D.D. Crow from removing my Hornet and then proceeded to destroy everything.
Finals versus GB (Flory)OO
Round 1: I stalled with my Damsel due to it's 1800 def. and suddenly hornet showed up to clear the board.
Round 2: I managed to destroy the field with Zenmaioh and swarmed. His only out is Dark Hole then he topped it luckily I added Damsel via Centipede adn win on the next turn.
So that's it hope you guys enjoyed reading till next time.
So now I am writing my tournament report for this tournament:
Deck used: Inzecter
Participants: 11
Round 1 versus GB (Flory) OO
He is a friend of mine way back in 2003 where I am still a kid I think I am just 10 years old by that time LOL
Game 1: He drew poorly by having so many monsters and I summoned Tiras via Inzecter Damsel and Inzecter Gulff. He managed to destroy my Tiras but on the next turn I swarmed the field with Inzecter stunts.
Game 2: I destroyed his backrow with Mystical Space Typhoon and summoned Crimson Ninja and controlled the game from there.
Round 2 versus Inzecter (Steven) OO
Game 1: At first I thought he is using Photons coz he summoned Photon Thrasher to destroy my Card Trooper and then got surprised when he summoned damsel on his next turn luckily I have an Effect Veiler in hand to prevent his Inzecter stunts. On my turn proceeded to do the Gigamantis loop and ended with a field of Revise Dragon,Crimson Ninja, Brilliant and Inzecter Centipede.
Game 2: This one ended early because he didn't have Inzecter Hornet to fight back he jsut set cards which are just blown up by my own hornet.
*Never set a card that would just get blown by Inzecters!.
Round 3 versus Ehero Deck (Eckz) OO
Game 1: I knew he was using Hero coz I have been watching him play. I managed to do my combos after he used Solemn Warning to negate my Inzecter Damsel with the help of double Call of the Haunted.
Game 2: He summoned Elemental Hero Stratos which I Veiler'ed to negate it's effect and he set 1 card.On my turn I set 2 Solemn warnings and Solemn Judgment. He attacked with Stratos and he set another card on his backrow. On my turn I Summoned Damsel and popped everything because that's what Inzecter do LOL. In my final pust he used Battle Fader to survive another turn but I have Warning to prevent it from happening.
Round 4 versus BF whirlwind (Jeff) OO
Game 1: I remember getting Icarus attack'ed during my end phase where I set 2 cards and then on my next turn I summoned damsel to destroy everything.
Game 2: He set 4 cards on his backrow with a BF-Gale the Whirlwind on the field. So I activated Heavy Storm which is negated by his Solemn Judgment then I set Royal Decree and ended.He attacked with Gale and he set another card, during his end phase I activated Royal Decree then after that I controlled the game easily.
Round 5 versus Six Samurai (John Chris)OXO
Game 1: I don't remember what happened but I managed to swarm his field.
Game 2: I destroyed TSS Shien and used Monster Reborn to summon it and set so many cards on my backrow but he summoned Blackrose Dragon to destroy my field and lost after that since all my set cards are bluff LOL bad move.
Game 3: I summoned Crimson Ninja and swarmed the field on my next turn.
This kid is good seriously he knows how to use Six Sams really well maybe he is using it for some time now.
Okay so now while starting the top 8 tournament organizer Opened the Gold series packs and he pulled Pot of Duality which inspired everyone to do their best to win that card.
Top 8 versus Antimeta (Krizandale) OO
Round 1: He started with summoning Banisher of Radiance with 2 cards set. I set Card Trooper,Torrential Tribute and Raigeki Break.On his turn he summoned Fossil Dyna which I Torrential'ed he chained Safe Zone to save Radiance but I chained Raigeki Break to destroy it. On my turn I summoned Crimson Ninja and on my next turn I summoned Tiras which left his destruction cards useless.
Round 2: He agains started with Baniseher of Radiance which is dealt by Snowman Eater and took control after that.
Top 4 versus Dark World (Jonard) OO
Round 1: He opened badly with no spells to help him discard his darkworlds so I swarmed the field easily
Round 2:I have Dimensional Fissure to stop his D.D. Crow from removing my Hornet and then proceeded to destroy everything.
Finals versus GB (Flory)OO
Round 1: I stalled with my Damsel due to it's 1800 def. and suddenly hornet showed up to clear the board.
Round 2: I managed to destroy the field with Zenmaioh and swarmed. His only out is Dark Hole then he topped it luckily I added Damsel via Centipede adn win on the next turn.
So that's it hope you guys enjoyed reading till next time.
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